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By subscribing to our service you agree to use information supplied to you for your sole personal use only and that you are not part of a syndicate or group of people or representing a company. You agree not to resend, forward, reproduce or communicate any information sent to you by WIN IN TENNIS without our express written consent. Including but not limited to the posting of our selections on any public or private forum or bulletin board. Any breach will result in immediate termination of the service, without refund.

Subscribers of WIN IN TENNIS should be at least 18 years of age, and visiting sites related to sports and gambling should be allowed in their country.

WIN IN TENNIS does not guarantee duration of the service and reserves the right to stop providing the service at any time.

The information is provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind either expressed or implied. We do not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the information in terms of reliability, correctness, accuracy or otherwise.

We make no representation that information provided are appropriate or available for use in any particular location. Those who choose to subscribe do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable.

Disclaimer of WIN IN TENNIS Responsibility

WIN IN TENNIS will not in any case be held responsible if tips recommendations provided by does not turn out as subscriber expect. The subscriber uses our recommendation and place bets on its own responsibility. In no event shall WIN IN TENNIS be in any form responsible for any direct or indirect damages or losses caused in relation to the use of its service, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortuous action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of picks recommendations, documents, provision of or failure to provide service.

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WIN IN TENNIS undertakes not to transfer your personal details to any third party.


These Terms of use are effective until terminated by WIN IN TENNIS or by a subscriber. You may terminate these terms at any time by discontinuing use of the service and destroying all materials supplied by the service and all related documentation and all copies and installations thereof, whether made under the terms of these terms or otherwise. These terms will terminate immediately without notice from us if in our sole discretion you fail to comply with any term or provision of these terms.


These terms and conditions can be changed at any time.